Thursday 3 October 2013

UCAS form sent off!

On the UCAS side of things, each day since I received my UKCAT score, I've gone full-on with regard to sorting out my application. I can't lie, it's been quite stressful: incessantly getting feedback on and re-editing my personal statement to a good enough standard (at least, not atrocious), deciding where to apply to, ensuring that I use my strengths wisely, going on open days (went to Birmingham and Hull York with my dad to check them out) and speaking to my UCAS co-ordinator (I'm really not sure of the huge figure of the number of times I've been to see him) regarding the administrative side of things.

ON TOP of the IB.

In that space of time I've also spent countless hours deliberating over whether I'll be doing the BMAT, and even went forward to get myself registered through the examination officer at my school. After all, it's turned out that I won't be going for it and will be getting refunded. With regard to getting the best out of myself, it just does not appear prudent to do so, even in the light of the attractiveness of Oxford, Imperial, Cambridge, UCL... medical school is the aim regardless. The past couple of days have been even more hectic, finalising my university choices and my personal statement. All that I can say however, is that I've ended on a positive note... it's over and done with! The era of working on my application has now ended; now ensues the next journey of waiting for interviews, and praying for offers. No seriously, I will be praying each and every day.

It all feels somewhat anticlimactic, however. Perhaps, because my form hasn't actually been sent off to UCAS, just to my referee. I think when I get the emails from the actual universities themselves that they've received my application, the excitement will really begin to amass. So for now, I'll say that I have virtually applied for medical school!

Right my choices...

Birmingham has hung in there. Loved the campus on the open day, my favourite out of my choices. It's clear from speaking to admissions tutors that my strengths apply. Additionally, it's somewhere I can see myself living for the next 5 - 6 years.

Hull York Medical School. Guaranteed interview, giving me something to work towards! Only visited the York campus though. Still loved it.

Queen Mary. Of course.

St George's. From day one. I have a personal affinity for this medical school!

...and... my insurance choice is Biochemistry at Imperial. Yes, it has happened before! People have received offers from here with medicine personal statements, and I got an email saying that they still accept medical school applicants. I spent a lot of time deciding between Imperial and King's, but in the end just went with my gut feeling.

Medicine is the sole goal at the end of the day. If I was to be asked 'What's your back-up plan', as a to-be school leaver, the answer I would sincerely give is 'a gap year'. Obviously, things are capable of working out better than that!

So, yep, I've virtually applied for Medical School - 2 in London, 2 out of London :) Praying for the utmost best - the goal is for 4 interview and 4 offers, but all I really need is one. The whole process has only served to increase my passion for this incredible vocation!

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