Well, I'm now on Summer Break! I broke up on July 17th, started on July 18th and have basically spent the last three to four days reinvigorating and recharging...
Reflecting back on what has been an incredible year...
Year 12 though, has been a positively challenging year - a very demanding introduction to my IB diploma and progression from GCSE, back from when I received my results at the end of August 2012 (time has flown!). Yet I'm here, pleased to say that I've survived 60% of the IB. I'm more than half-way across the bridge to university, and I can see that it really has contributed to readying me for higher education and for being a medical student, as I've been stretched to manage my time and commit well enough to both academics and extra-curricula. Looking back on the year, I wouldn't have gauged that I would have participated in so many activities outside, and within, school. This is what, in my opinion, makes the quest for Medicine so enriching, since it makes you step out of your comfort zone and gives you new and invaluable experiences as well as the opportunity to get to know new people. It's bettered me as a person. It's been very rewarding. But I now moving onto my last ever year at school, in Upper Sixth! Year 13 will be better than Year 12, in terms of my all-round performance and work/life balance. It's important that the transition is used to help me better model myself into a medic, and prepare myself for med school. Just excited TBH.The mad end to Year 12
The last week of school was incredibly crazy, overwhelming, frustrating and occupied. My school somehow managed to conflate all the coursework due dates into a segment of five-seven days. Unfortunately, I was not able to give much of my work in, so doing coursework will definitely be a feature of this summer. My EE, Geography Coursework, Two and half pieces of Chemistry Coursework, Two pieces of Biology Coursework, English Coursework and TOK presentation will all need to be completed this summer - thankfully they've all been started. I've also got to keep my mind as tuned in as possible with all my 6 subjects, so that come September, which apparently is the apex of the IB diploma in terms of seriousness, stress and pushing-you-to-the-limit, I will have a foundation to keep me upright.What September in Year 13 essentially features:
- The refining and submission of my UCAS application
- Commencement of mock exam preparation (which are in October)
- BMAT preparation commencement (if I am still steadfast about applying to UCL/ICL)
- Coursework and EE submission -- and in the case of Japanese, my coursework (well, written assignment which will be done in class) will both start and finish in September - crazy.
- Maintaining a high/higher level of performance in my six subjects and TOK - a smooth transition from Year 12 is required
It's important I get this UKCAT out of the way before year 13 and it WILL be done at the end of August, for sure. My preparation hasn't really kicked of yet, and I haven't even booked the exam date yet (as I'm still planning my summer!) which is stressing me out a little - but I am confident. My due date to begin preparing seriously is Monday 22nd July. I am determined to achieve at least 650 points avg. After the UKCAT, my smartly observed university decisions must be finalized, and I must decide whether to still go forward with BMAT.
Looking ahead - the final goals, before (God-willing) Medical Career commences
To be very honest with you, I am just looking ahead to mid May 2014, which arrives in 10 months, when I complete the IB diploma (with results/uni confirmations attained 2 months afterwards) and will finally be able to raise my legs and RELAX! I am already 60% through the diploma, which brings me optimism. Also, I've already drawn up a timeline of the whole process of getting into Medical School - from now having just received my predictions/soon beginning serious UKCAT prep, to the point where, fingers crossed, I observe the confirmation of a medical school place and essentially begin my medical career next year in Sep-Oct 2014.Regardless of what the road is like, recently I have developed six main, focussed goals to achieve by the end of this cycle in 2014 before university, and I am fully determined to achieve them:
- Hard work
- At least 40 points in IB - 7's in Biology, Chemistry, Geography and Maths.
- Confirmation of what essentially is the start of a Medical Career - a Medical School place - need that offer from interview though.
- The Marlin (Biology Prize) at my school's annual prize giving - this is my strongest subject so it would be a HUGE bonus - I would be pleased though to achieve any other prize during this event
- To advise and inspire others looking to earn a medical school place
- No regrets
Summer plans
This summer will be busy, and now that I have relaxed and settled into it, I will start to work hard. I am undertaking and continuing work/volunteering/care experience (profoundly recording reflections), going to UCAS seminars, simulation days, working on and refining that PS, having mock interviews, sitting the UKCAT, possibly beginning BMAT prep, keeping up with my six subjects + EE/TOK, organising, prep for year 13, going on open days/campus visits and indeed more that will contribute to my aspiration - all in 6 weeks. There has to be time for fun though, and building myself as an individual. I have my eyes set on a few jam sessions with a band I have formed, developing my fitness to aid with my drumming/pretty much everything that will be thrown out me in the coming months, and going out with friends. Work/life balance is a necessity, so have to manage my time, plan for each day and get the work done, only recreating when I've done what's prioritized. Haha, qualities of an IB student (which will really help in Sep) and prep for medical school life. More on all summer plans later, for sure.
Turning it up a notch - reinvigorating
With the closure to what has been a very occupied and demanding academic year, I am stepping into a new chapter of the journey to my ambition - another year (of the IB, at sixth form) until I hopefully begin my medical career at medical school. I have now decided to turn things up a notch, and really fight for this with hard work and vehemence - with all I have - this juncture signposts a new and fresh outlook. It's time to be wise, serious, grown-up and mature - time to pick myself up, clear distractions, focus, reassemble and regroup.
I am dedicated to being a medical Doctor; I'm ambitious. I will get there - and all the stress, hard work, and steps I am taking are preparing me for this vocation, this art, this lifestyle, this inspiring, profound and unique societal service to people's lives. It will pay off. I will update soon on everything significant coming up - first things first UKCAT!
Remember, the ultimate maxim, is to be the best YOU. Ensure you try to produce your best application as possible. But relax, be focussed, enjoy it all, soak it all in, and take care of yourself - be happy and regret nothing. If you feel like you've messed up at any point - just move on - you can't control the past, so just focus on what you can control and your determination will get you through. That's the advice I would give.To be honest, I'm just viewing it all like an exam. It seems to be what I'm good at.
All the best.
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